Harm Reduction/ Syringe Services Program (SSP)/ Needle Exchange Programs
What is harm reduction?
For as long as drugs have existed, people will use drugs regardless of legal status. Education goes a long way in preventing people from beginning to use; however, there are many who will use regardless. For those who use, removal of clean spaces, legal safe supply, and clean works will not deter them from using placing them in a dangerous predicament. They risk losing limbs, their life, and long term hospitalization if they continue to use with dirty needles and a tainted drug supply. The first line of defense against this is harm reduction and Needle Exchange Programs.
How Does this tie into LPS Conservatorship?
Many conservatees have dual diagnosis; meaning they have a primary axis 1 mental disorder and a substance abuse disorder. By the time the conservatees reach the public conservator's notice their substance abuse disorder and mental illness have escalated it is a bit of chicken and egg as in which one is making the other worse. At the point in which the public conservator must step in both may need to be addressed through means of either rehab, locked treatment facility, or both. Until then, we must strive to keep conservatees safe on the street until the county has more money and resources to help more conservatees. A dead conservatee can never get any help. Arresting someone with co occurring disorders will not halt their drug use. Rather, it will push them through the system leaving them homeless when they discharge and back in the same position that they were in when they began using. Jail is the biggest mental health treatment center. Conservatees need real mental health treatment not simply jail medicine.
Many conservatees have dual diagnosis; meaning they have a primary axis 1 mental disorder and a substance abuse disorder. By the time the conservatees reach the public conservator's notice their substance abuse disorder and mental illness have escalated it is a bit of chicken and egg as in which one is making the other worse. At the point in which the public conservator must step in both may need to be addressed through means of either rehab, locked treatment facility, or both. Until then, we must strive to keep conservatees safe on the street until the county has more money and resources to help more conservatees. A dead conservatee can never get any help. Arresting someone with co occurring disorders will not halt their drug use. Rather, it will push them through the system leaving them homeless when they discharge and back in the same position that they were in when they began using. Jail is the biggest mental health treatment center. Conservatees need real mental health treatment not simply jail medicine.
American Medical Association (AMA)
Whereas, AMA policy 20.977 recognizes the urgent need to decrease transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and calls for ''pinpoint(ing) effective strategies (including needle exchange programs)" to reduce the spread of HIV infection among intravenous drug abusers; and
Whereas, Negative consequences of needle exchange programs have not been detected, i.e., no increase in injection drug use or changing of drug use behavior from non-injection to injection; and
Whereas, Syringe and needle exchange (SANE) programs reduce the rising incidence of HIV infection among intravenous drug users; and
Whereas, Difficulty in obtaining sterile needles and syringes is significantly and independently associated with needle sharing; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the American Medical Association encourage needle exchange programs.